1、switch 语句会使用恒等计算符(===)进行比较:以下实例由于类型不一致不会执行 alert 弹窗:1 var x = "10";2 switch(x) {3 case 10: alert("Hello");4 }2、字符串中使用反斜杠(\)换行,不能直接回车换行。1 var x = "Hello \2 Worl......
Simple data transfers. Secure backups. Smart Switch is the app that moves content to your new Samsung Galaxy from your old device, whether it's an Android device or not....
Simple data transfers. Secure backups. Smart Switch is the app that moves content to your new Samsung Galaxy from your old device, whether it's an Android device or not....
Simple data transfers. Secure backups. Smart Switch is the app that moves content to your new Samsung Galaxy from your old device, whether it's an Android device or not....
Simple data transfers. Secure backups. Smart Switch is the app that moves content to your new Samsung Galaxy from your old device, whether it's an Android device or not....