网站介绍:文章浏览阅读1.3w次,点赞16次,收藏38次。一直搜索其他博主的解决办法,尝试各种办法,今天终于解决,我的tensorflow是2.0版本,python是3.7.11第一步首先参考文章:(18条消息) VsCode中运行.ipynb,显示内核已被中止(Failed to start the kernel)_Mammalss的博客-CSDN博客问题特征:1. 运行.ipynb文件时显示Failed to start the kernel2. 报错中有Bad file descriptor (C:\projects\libzmq\src_failed to start the kernel. 0.00s - debugger warning: it seems that frozen m
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- 链接标题:vscode中使用jupyter,一直无法启动内核 failed to start the kernel,有两个提示,py:2205 和py:2160 ,解决方案_failed to start the kernel. 0.00s - debugger warni_一起躺躺躺的博客-CSDN博客
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